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This page features a list with different titles for the same song-version. Sometimes the exact same song or version gets different subtitles i.e. in the USA compared to the UK. You could use this list to prefent you from spending money on thing you infact already have.

In the left colom you see the different official titles which are used on cd's, vinyl or tapes. The right column give you the titles as I use them in the discography-songlists, and which is also an official title used on cd's, vinyl or tapes.



Be still (Robin Guthrie remix feat. Elisabeth Frazer) Be still (Robin Guthrie remix)
Blood of Eden (album version) Blood of Eden
Blood of Eden (lp version) Blood of Eden
Don't give up (duet with Sinéad O'Connor) Don't give up
Don't give up (special version) Don't give up (radio version)
Don't give up (edit version) Don't give up (radio version)
Empire (album version) Empire
Fire on Babylon (album version) Fire on Babylon
Fire on Babylon (full version) Fire on Babylon
Fire on Babylon (ethernal recurrence mix) Fire on Babylon (remix)
Fire on Babylon (extended version) Fire on Babylon (remix)
Heroine (theme from "Captive") Heroine
Heroine (7" version) Heroine
I believe in you (album version) I believe in you
I want your (hands on me) (edit) I want your (hands on me) with MC Lyte
I want your (hands on me) (7" edit) I want your (hands on me) with MC Lyte
I want your (hands on me) (editted version) I want your (hands on me) with MC Lyte
Jump in the river (7") Jump in the river
Mandinka (7") Mandinka    (!!!differs to the -7" edit-!!!!!)
Mandinka (remix) Mandinka (Jake's remix)
Mandinka (instr. dub version) Mandinka (instr.dub mix)
Success has made a...(7" version) Success has made a (radio edit)
Success has made a failure (full version) Success has made failure of our home
Thank you for hearing me (full version) Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me (edit version) Thank you for hearing me (edit)
The emperor's new clothes (lp-edit) The emperor's new clothes (7" mix)
The emperor's new clothes (lp-version) The emperor's new clothes
The emperor's new clothes (remix hank shocklee) The emperor's new clothes (main mix)
This IS A Rebel Song (Adrian Sherwood remix) This Is A Rebel Song (reggae remix)
This IS A Rebel Song (Pete Mokran remix) This IS A Rebel Song (remix)
Troy - The Phoenix From The Flame (Rob Searle Remix) Troy - The Phoenix FRom The Flame (trance remix)
Visions of you  (the welsh mix) Visions of you (radio edit)
Visions of you (lp version) Visions of you
You made me the thief.. (album full version) You made me the thief..
You made me the thief..(club 12" remix/stained mix) You made me the thief.. (stained mix)
You made me the thief.. (12" remix version-club mix) You made me the thief of your heart..(stained mix)
You made me the thief..(12"stained mix) You made me the thief of your heart ( stained mix)
You made me.. (album instr. version) You made me the thief of your heart (instrumental)
You made me.. (edit) You made me the thief... (7" edit)