On these pages you'll find all songs by and with Sinéad, but also all the releases containing these songs with all the details you might want to know. Besides that you can find most of the lyrics through these pages. Everything is linked in every possible way, so you should find it all very easily.
If you yourself have an item not mentioned here, please mail
 Eduard Verheijen


Songs A-E & 0-9

Albums Testpressings Video/ DvD

Songs F-J

CD-Singles Guest-material 1983-1991 Video-clips

Songs K-O

7"-vinyl-singles Guest-material 1992-1994 Books

Songs P-T

12"-vinyl-singles Guest-material 1995-2000 Lyrics

Songs U-Z


Guest-material 2001-Present

"Also Know As" List

Unreleased songs




download zipped full discography
(83 kb) for MS-Word2000 (updated till august 2000)
download zipped file with all lyrics
kb) All txt-files
(not updated since universal mother)

Click on the pics to see real-size version.

Discography By; Marcel Bobbink  

Last update;  januari 5, 2004  by  Eduard Verheijen
(latest update: hundred thousand angels cdsingle, she who dwells special edition)


Lyrics to complete albums can be found here;
Lion and The Cobra
 I Do Not Want What I haven't got
 Am I Not Your Girl ?
 Universal Mother
Faith and Courage